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French Black Copper Maran:

This is a tall, elegant bird originating in Maran, France.  It has a great disposition-- not overly friendly, but no a skittish bird either.  It is black with lightly feather legs.  The hens lay the darkest eggs of any breed we have on the farm.  If you're a 007 fan, James Bond only ate Maran eggs.


Cuckoo Maran:

This bird, also originating in Marans, France has become popular world-wide, especially amongst chefs, because of its very large, rich, brown eggs.  It usually has dark feather with irregular dark and slate colored markings.  It is a great egg layer, but also a great meat bird due to its large size.



The Welsummer comes from Holland so it is winter-hardy and lays rich brown eggs.  The female has reddish brown feathers and is stippled; the males look quite different.  It is a very docile bird; these baby chicks were our favorites because they were so friendly and easy to handle.



The black Australorp is a large-breed bird and is considered dual-use due to its large size for meat, but also for its great egg production.  It lays large, light brown eggs and can lay up to an egg a day all year long!   It has glossy black feathers with a greenish-purple sheen and large red combs. The Australorp is a quiet and gentle bird.



Buff Orpingtons:

This bird came to the US from England in the late 1800s.  This bird is a large, hearty, beautiful golden-colored with very full plumage.  Due to their large size, they are great meat birds, but because of its thick, full plumage it remains a great layer throughout the winter months too.  A buff Orpington is a stately, quite, and sweet bird.  A buff Orpington baby chick is the golden fluff ball usually associated with baby chicks in the US.   



The Yokohama is a Japanese bird brought to Europe by French missionaries, and it eventually made it's way to the US.  It is a small bird with distinctive plumage; the male has long, beautiful tail feathers.  It's a strong egg layer and lays pale, tan eggs.  Yes, we do have a beautiful Yokohama rooster at the farm.



This bird is also known as the Easter egger because of its beautiful, colorful eggs, and is very popular amongst chicken farmers.  This breed is pretty new having been bred in the 1970s to retain the blue-egg laying gene found in previous breeds, but to create a heartier medium-sized bird specifically for laying.  The Ameraucana comes in a variety of colors and lays one specific egg color.  Our Ameraucanas lay blue, olive-green, green, and pale pink eggs.  Our largest egg to this day was from an Ameraucana.  Come see the giant blue egg.​


Other birds:

We have other hens and roosters on the farm.  We have approximately one rooster for every 8-10 hens.  Any time of day you can hear our roos on the farm throughout the day.  Our other breeds include ornamental birds such as a variety of Silkies and Houdons.


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